Debut Cohort


Duration: 12 weeks

(Introduction Into The Cosmos - 4 weeks - First Module Available For Enrolment )

Target Audience: Graduates, Space Enthusiasts , Entry level Employees (Private Space Companies)

Requirements: No STEM background necessary

Theme: Comprehensive Overview of Cosmic Careers

Tailored for diverse backgrounds Worldwide

BASIC - $250

(Secure Your Spot For $99)

Starts June 27th 2024

Our Framework (16 Per Cohort)


1. Assess Awareness and Interest: Evaluate participants' initial knowledge and interest in space careers.

2. Cultural Perspectives: Understand how different cultural backgrounds influence perceptions of space exploration

3. Skill Development: Measure the development of relevant skills and knowledge over the course of the program.

4. Impact on Career Choices: Determine if and how participation influences career aspirations related to space.

5. Community and Collaboration: Observe how participants from diverse backgrounds collaborate and share knowledge


Selection Process:

1. Diverse Representation: Ensure participants represent a diverse range of countries and cultures from North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia

2. Varied Backgrounds: Include individuals with different educational backgrounds, careers, and interests.

Program Content

Week 1 - Week 4 (Above)


1. Workshops: Interactive sessions on topics such as satellite technology, space law, and space medicine.

2. Team Project: Group projects that require collaboration across continents, simulating real-world space missions.

3. Cultural Exchange: Sessions where participants share how space exploration is perceived in their countries.

Evaluation and Feedback:

1. Pre- and Post-Assessment: Surveys and interviews before and after the program to measure changes in knowledge, interest, and career aspirations.

2. Ongoing Feedback: Regular check-ins and feedback sessions to adjust the program as needed.


1. Reports and Publications: Document the findings on how space impacts lives across different cultures and backgrounds

2. Follow-up Opportunities: Provide resources and guidance for participants interested in pursuing careers in space.

3. Networking and Community Building: Create a global network of aspiring space professionals who can support each other in their careers.

Potential Challenges

1.Time Zones: Managing synchronous activities across different time zones.

2. Language Barriers: Ensuring effective communication among participants from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

3. Access to Resources: Ensuring all participants have access to necessary materials and technology.


1. Global Perspective: Gaining insights into how space exploration is viewed and valued around the world.

2. Inspiration: Encouraging more diverse participation in space-related fields.

3. Collaboration Skills: Enhancing participants' ability to work in international teams, a crucial skill for future space missions. 

Week 1

A. History of the Cosmos

B. Understanding Career path Options

Week 1: Space Industry ecosystem (Geographical, Political and Technological )

Geographical Factors:Identify key locations of major space agencies, private companies, and research institution .Recognize geographical advantages for space launches, such as proximity to the equator for optimal trajectories.Consider infrastructure and regulatory environments in different regions

Political Factors: Analyze policies, regulations, and treaties governing space activities.Understand how funding allocation and international collaborations are influenced by political dynamics.Consider how geopolitical tensions can impact space exploration agendas.

Technological Factors: Stay abreast of technological advancements driving innovation in launch systems, satellite design, propulsion, robotics, and materials science.Explore emerging technologies like reusable rockets, small satellites, and in-situ resource utilization (ISRU).Recognize the importance of technological trends in shaping the future of the space industry.

This structured approach will help you grasp the intricate interplay between geography, politics, and technology within the space industry ecosystem.

Week 2

Week 2 :  Technical careers,  Opportunities globally / In Specific demographics


Aerospace Engineering:

Designing and developing spacecraft, rockets, and satellite systems.

Opportunities in propulsion, avionics, structures, and systems engineering.

Jobs Available in both government space agencies and private aerospace companies worldwide.

Software Engineering:

Developing software for mission control systems, satellite operations, and data analysis.

Specializations include embedded systems, control software, and simulation.

Demand for software engineers in space industry startups and established aerospace firms globally.

Mechanical Engineering:

Designing and testing components for launch vehicles, satellites, and space habitats.Specializations in thermal systems, structural analysis, and mechanisms.

Opportunities in manufacturing, testing, and quality assurance in aerospace companies worldwide.

Electrical Engineering:

Designing electronics for spacecraft payloads, communication systems, and power distribution.

Specializations in RF engineering, power electronics, and digital signal processing

Jobs available in satellite manufacturing, space hardware development, and telecommunications companies globally.

Materials Science and Engineering

Researching and developing materials for spacecraft structures, thermal protection, and radiation shielding.Specializations in composites, ceramics, and nanomaterials.Opportunities in materials testing, characterization, and manufacturing for aerospace applications globally.

In Specific Demographics

United States:

Home to NASA, SpaceX, Blue Origin, and numerous aerospace companies.

High demand for aerospace engineers, software developers, and technicians.Opportunities in states like California, Florida, Texas, and Colorado.


European Space Agency (ESA) headquarters in Paris, with major aerospace firms in France, Germany, Italy, and the UK.Opportunities in satellite manufacturing, launch services, and space research.Growing space industry hubs in countries like Luxembourg and Sweden.


Rapidly expanding space programs in China (CNSA) and India (ISRO).

Opportunities in satellite manufacturing, launch services, and space exploration.Emerging space industry hubs in Japan, South Korea, and Australia.

Middle East:

Investments in space exploration and satellite technology

(UAE Space Agency) and Saudi Arabia.

Opportunities in satellite communications, Earth observation, and space tourism initiatives.


Growing interest in space applications for development and resource management

Opportunities in satellite development, remote sensing, and space education initiatives.

Week 3

Week 3 :   Non- TechnicalCareers  Opportunities globally / In Specific demographics

Project Management:

Coordinate and oversee the development and execution of space missions or satellite projects.

Roles involve budget management, scheduling, risk assessment, and team coordination.

Opportunities in government space agencies, aerospace companies, and consulting firms worldwide.

Business Development and Sales

Identify and pursue new business opportunities in the space sector

Roles involve market analysis, client relationship management, and contract negotiation.

Opportunities in satellite communications, launch services, and space tourism companies globally

Policy and Regulation:

Shape and influence space policy and regulatory frameworks at national and international levels.
Roles involve legal analysis, advocacy, and stakeholder engagement.

Opportunities in government space agencies, legal firms, and advocacy groups worldwide.

Communications and Public Relations:

Develop and implement communication strategies to promote space missions and engage the public.

Roles involve media relations, social media management, and content creation.

Opportunities in space agencies, aerospace companies, and science communication organisations globally.

Finance and Investment:

Analyze investment opportunities in the space industry and manage financial portfolios.

Roles involve risk assessment, valuation, and investment strategy development

Opportunities in venture capital firms, investment banks, and space-focused investment funds globally.

Week 4

Week 4: Exploring Opportunities in Entrepreneurship and Job Opportunities in the Space Industry

The space industry offers a wealth of opportunities for both entrepreneurs and job seekers, driven by rapid advancements and increasing investment. Entrepreneurial ventures can tap into burgeoning markets such as small satellite development, space tourism, asteroid mining, and orbital logistics. These areas provide fertile ground for innovation, with opportunities to create satellite data services, commercial suborbital flights, and solutions for space debris management.

On the job front, the global landscape is equally promising, with significant roles available in major space agencies like NASA, ESA, CNSA, and ISRO, as well as leading private companies such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Airbus. In addition to engineering and scientific positions, there is growing demand for project managers, business development professionals, policy experts, and legal advisors who can navigate the complexities of space law and regulation. Regions like the United States, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa are developing as key hubs for these opportunities, each offering unique roles in research, development, operations, and business management.

Whether through innovative startups or established institutions, the space industry presents dynamic and evolving career possibilities for individuals with diverse skills and interests.

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